domingo, 11 de março de 2007


"Back in the day you had been part of the smart set
You'd holidayed with kings, dined out with starlets
From London to New York, Cap Ferrat to Capri
In perfume by Chanel and clothes by Givenchy
You sipped camparis with David and Peter
At Noel's parties by Lake Geneva
Scaling the dizzy heights of high society
Armed only with a cheque-book and a family tree"

és tão simples e é como se o mundo inteiro fosse teu. isso encantava-me tanto.

And so you come here to escape your little flat
Hoping someone will fill your glass and let you chat about how
You chased the sun around the Cote d'Azur
Until the light of youth became obscured
And left you all alone and in the shade*

era tão fácil quando a tua presença iluminava todas as salas, todas as ruas.
agora eu olho para ti e vejo-te uma forma humana
e no lugar que a tua luz ocupava ficou um vazio tão grande

que me sinto perdida.

* Divine Comedy - A Lady of a Certain Age

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