quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2007

pronto, alguém pensou nas minhas férias...

To categorize the new Indigo Patagonia hotel and spa in Puerto Natales, Chile, as a cool place is to make use of the word cool in both its old and new meaning.The old cool — as in somewhat coldish, refreshingly chilly — is a fitting description of the six-storey, 28-room block of a building. It is also a perfectly appropriate way for the hotel to be here in the middle of Patagonia’s fresh magnificence. (...)

Indigo is not a product of indulgent architecture that attempts to take over the scenery. It is an honest, almost college-dormish building that fits in its place as if it had always been there while also standing out as something one wants to explore. That has also been the appeal of Patagonia to adventurers, mountaineers, kayakers, trekkers and nature-lovers for decades. With its ancient ice fields older than time itself, fjords deeper than anyone can fathom, air and sky clearer than seems natural, and vistas more humbling than you can be prepared for, Patagonia makes you feel a bit like an intruder and yet you are unable to resist its lure.

3 comentários:

indigo des urtigues disse...

Uhmm..tenho a sensação que tb gostaria de passar umas férias neste hotel! ;)

Mei disse...

eheh pode ser que façam preço de amigo para pessoas da mesma cor!! :D

indigo des urtigues disse...

Era nice! eheheh