sábado, 11 de agosto de 2007


BANGKOK, Thailand — Thai police officers who break rules will be forced to wear hot pink armbands featuring "Hello Kitty," the Japanese icon of cute, as a mark of shame, a senior officer said Monday.
Police officers caught littering, parking in a prohibited area, or arriving late — among other misdemeanors — will be forced to stay in the division office and wear the armband all day, said Police Col. Pongpat Chayaphan. The officers won't wear the armband in public.
The striking armband features Hello Kitty sitting atop two hearts.
"Simple warnings no longer work. This new twist is expected to make them feel guilt and shame and prevent them from repeating the offense, no matter how minor," said Pongpat, acting chief of the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok.
"(Hello) Kitty is a cute icon for young girls. It's not something macho police officers want covering their biceps," Pongpat said.

source: foxnews

2 comentários:

180º disse...

Lol gostei particularmente da Risada Malefica, se bem que a hello Kit de trage dominador é assutadora... medo, muito medo....lolada


Mei disse...

ahaha it's... kitty dominatrix!!! :-D

(vais à festa amanhã?)